Sylar is Skylar

So we've added the Heroes method into the mix. We've gotten to the point in this show of realizing everything is an open window, it's fairly obvious my method of doing things because that's sort of, well, the entire fucking show that I'm living through. Nevertheless, if I wasn't raised by television I wouldn't be able to survive through this television show. So, I suppose you're watching the words of the ultimate T.V. baby.
And in the land of T.V. babies, where we're living in some magic realm of electrodes:

The whoever have switched around the refridgerator doors, there's small signs that we're obviously on the most famous T.V. show ever from loans that didn't exist to the fact that I still have these strange lazers pointing at me. It's a matter of insanity
(if such a thing were to exist) to deal with this show like it was the real world. So, through the looking glass of New York City I deal with the multi-functioned situation as trying to create projects and impress the existence of neo-hippie art-neauveau girls of dreams and somehow this all becomes inspiring b/c really I'm the only person in the world who gets to live outside this sort of reality. It's a sense of fun, it's a sense of insanity, it's a sense of taking myself incredibly seriously. When it comes down to, it's a matter of I. We had this blog before, it started @ 725 9th Ave. We called it The Visual Axis in those episodes. Now we've evolved and gone through the Silver Tiles season (it's essential root part) and now we're at 950 Hart St. More later...


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