
Showing posts with the label trine

astral realms in an ancient landmark to call home

Created the energy grid for ancient landmark to call home. Williamsburg is astrally connected now to the future, the open abilities connected through Silver Tiles. The realm is protected by the eyes of the world, using the energy vamp theory in a positive light: through Essenes and built of the blood of my souls memories in true heart, love, son of Isis through love of women through the conflict against the darkness of nothingness, the empty nobodies who wish to flush away the spirit of tomorrow: flushed away by gateway and guardian. Center ofw orld protected as beacon. Soul tired a bit. Charge Quickly. Skylar

Physical Attacks

I'm being attacked on the mental plane. It's what causes this kernal panick situation that I've taken into account today. In the situation it's a combination of several items to confuse my identity with the situation. Or to speak ill of people I like and support. Thus this causes a panick and it essentially continues. It's in an event to prevent my artwork from furthering itself, from preventing my artistic process from freeing the spirit I believe in in Silas Rhodes, the spirit I find in S.V.A. and our combined astral status in Silver Tiles. The further I work against this evil nothingness that attacks me, the further I come to the keys to the Pfizer factory (Skittles) and we all come to the Williamsburg Arts Distrct. Skittles is much a creation of Silver Tiles jointly with my soul essentially forwarding the energy to create Skittles. It's through my center process, my controlled vision that spreads outward the dream. It's the kinship in dream, the process ...

astral assistance

I called upon the Rosicrucians for astral assistance in this battle. It gets a bit psychotic at times, so I brought in a form of help to assist in astral protection. I'm unsure exactly of how many I was being attacked from but it seemed as though this was the best idea possible. It seems like time I go out on the show and write something other than the blog. Although the blog is incredibly key. The astral beating last night brought further levels but is incredibly disturbing. I find it changes my entire reality. What I place in astral key books, and the whole situation. I ponder the outside. I think now I get where this is all going. It's incredibly far out @ times. Like at all times. I need to built then go out and create. I've got it now.

Charge up creations/walks across soundscapes

So, I've got everything set thus far. And the walk across Williamsburg under the J,M,Z involved running through astral realms and reaching points of the past. It's all really quite, well, fucking happening. And it's a fantastic thing, Williamsburg will be built off the energy of Silver Tiles. Our combined astral auras will create the club/the refinery/the visual axis. It's not like a far out hippy thing, it's all for serious, Hughes clearly has machines to proove it. On the outside world kids everyone are surfing the astral realm and alas I openly shared a great deal of important secrets for the new generation, for generation XY so we could change the world, so Generation Y could change everything. So if they took me out the others wouldn't fall, and I spread this across the world. I even read you "secret" Rosicrucian teachings. I wanted to open the world of possibilties I found to you. Particularly to create another culture, to save the world from the...

Fucking weather channel

It's a second to second update with my status on this thing. Let's see where we're going with this... The fat girl across the way enjoys flashing lights at me, but I think I've gotten the hang of this game. It really is alot like a video game, like Willy Beamish like every other fucking video game I played for Sega CD. I question the immediacy of the diary entries but they're more or less my status logs in the creation and fulfillment of furthering things. Since i've gotten past the idea of pretending this isn't a show. It's really like that point where we have to take it as it is and further things because this is how it goes everytime. Attention furthering, I want to look over my last night and take into consideration what I did last night and that the show is basically based around me being an asshole and how successful I am at whatever it is that I do. Aside from that there's not alot else the show is about. Oh, the whole personality break down t...

crystals are for meditation

There's a sideplot in this show, it's essentially called everything else that's going on. Pretty much, we have thevisualaxis or we don't. I have Skittles in Pfizer or I don't. I have Domino or I don't. When it comes down to it, that's really how things are going to be as far as matters go. Otherwise we're going to live through all of this daily. Which I'm learning to, creating a form of diamondship for myself. On the actuality of the television show there seems to be a function of attempting to break me down. Or rather, an attempt to fail my efforts to perfect myself. In the exterior, as a starfucker and as a person molded by the circumstances I exist in. So, I ultimately have to take consideration of this and deal with things really holding onto self pride. Because people are asking me the stupidest fucking questions, saying the most absurd things at all times and hitting me with lasers always. This is everywhere, and they're also hitting me wit...