
So, this is after the incident of having a spark of Jesus Christ Art Star and seeing how this helped to solidify my personality/create the current character. After a fantastic speech it's a matter of seeing how my writing patterns continue. So far not so bad.
It's also a matter of seeing how those outside have oh, been placed in assembly outside today. The commentary with the camera is going decently, the anger lasts a decent amount of time. Aside from that it's a matter of dealing with, no, I say this every time. I spent a mass amount of time saying that. The T.V. show wahhh wahhhh wahhh. WTF am I going to do that for, it doesn't make any sense. Doesn't make it end.
This one is really interesting, It's semi angry but not so much. I'm also learning how it is that the anti character effects me.
Definitely does. Although less and less over a period of time, ironically this is much like a different version of my Rosicrucian teachings (what I'm doing now w/focus and other etc). Ultimately this backs up my religion of universalism. That all religions are essentially trying to teach the same principles but in different methods and language and the use of science exactifying what works and what doesn't in a way is like a building a tower of babylon. It's the ultimate test of building your own Book of Shadows, finding out scientifically what you can take. The only religions that are the useful ones are the ones you can take something from.


forecastmazy said…
Occupy tba harry and grandma.*****

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