
I'm in a sorts of stream now. It's the situation I've been before and this is a sort of situation where I'm either going to get further or continue on the same pathway. You're watching this so you know more about where we're going with this than I do. I'm in need to continue the cash, I'm in implication that there is an end that there's a sort of pattern of faith in the end of this. So I continue walker, uh alright, but looking into the overall situation certain things are obvious about this show. Shit like the fact that they changed the refridgerator doors. Shit like being contacted. Small things like the three monkeys referencing back to my music videos, everybody shakes their heads and do this sort of thing. Alot of the times there so much references. References to Skittles references to Williamsburg references to everything. And you're watching all of this from the outside so either this is or isn't going to work out. I really need to reflect on where this is and where it's going. This all seems very familiar very much like I've been to this point before. This really is like a video game of sorts. Do I treat this as descriptive literature or a sorts of blog on reality T.V.


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