
Showing posts with the label nyc the truman show


I'm in a sorts of stream now. It's the situation I've been before and this is a sort of situation where I'm either going to get further or continue on the same pathway. You're watching this so you know more about where we're going with this than I do. I'm in need to continue the cash, I'm in implication that there is an end that there's a sort of pattern of faith in the end of this. So I continue walker, uh alright, but looking into the overall situation certain things are obvious about this show. Shit like the fact that they changed the refridgerator doors. Shit like being contacted. Small things like the three monkeys referencing back to my music videos, everybody shakes their heads and do this sort of thing. Alot of the times there so much references. References to Skittles references to Williamsburg references to everything. And you're watching all of this from the outside so either this is or isn't going to work out. I really need to ref


You've just watched the episode where I realize how they get me into soundloops in this show. I get sort of sidetracked on the way I'm writing this. They used to call this eclictic except on this show they fuck me up real bad on the matter. So it's coming along, I successfully accomplished a snypsis of the show. Now I can do my little quips. I need the camera battery for the d.v.x. it's important to me to simply has a voice of how I feel about things. Not the official way it happened but just a way where we look upon it, like looking back as a New Yorker and thinking into the future. Really thinking, when I look back at the amazing opportunity that I had with this show. Also how incredibly fucked up I was because of this show and everything I went through, all the layers of psyche they tore through and everything to get to this point. It's important to me to express for me. It's important to have some form of self love throughout this show, to at this point fulf

Characters Reactionary

How dare these little fuckers attempt to take away my art school memories. How dare these little fucks attempt to take away my Fairfield memories. How dare any little fucker try to take away my soul. Unfortunately, or rather more for me and the strength of my ability to flip this trick and spin it; I'll never allow you to further this. There's a loop they like to play and it's getting old. Get the boy angry, then get him to childish react to the opposite of whatever it is the character is saying. THEN I DON'T LIKE THAT. Then feel bad about that. I remember what's important from my life. The importance of my art school friends, the flashback of friends in childhood, everything that essentially matters. I'm realizing the state of mind they're placing me in through these entries. I'm deciding to change this because being bitter about this thing at any point is essentially worthless. It doesn't end to any further of an extent if I decide to sit around

urban outfitters moments

When did this become my catch phrase? I have to stand by my catch phrases, I always have to question my own terminology. It's a sort of wholeness I find in looking at the entirety of the situation I've come through. I've gone through the ripping apart of my psyche from Fairfield and on and then I put humpty dumpty back together again. I'm figured out ways to do it without giving complex names and diagrams because we've done that before, because I become worried where they're going to throw it in the plotline because I see the difference in the year I'm in and realize the amount of people who are watching my show. Lou Reed is watching my show. So are the S.V.A. kids and I take all of this into consideration and it sort of puts into perspective the insanity I'm in. I take into myself really who I'm talking to when I talk. From there, I take into consideration what matters and what doesn't. The rest are the scraps of the world, I couldn't give t

lovely facebook masturbation

And now I only jerk off on Thursdays. What the fuck. I'm pondering the levels of my psyche and damage that's been done throughout this show. I'm taking into consideration now creating this blog in terms of art of the general overall project in reflection to humanity instead of hiding what's happening. I'm taking into consideration what's happened over the period of time this projects happened. I'm thinking about it further like 2 years. I'm thinking back to series zero because I really miss being a person. Being a person was great, being a human, being a something, having a religion; the safety of my mind, the place inside myself and the safety of my room. They get me to pause when this happens, they get to yell something and I pause, when the fuck did I start to reflect on this T.V. show in terms of responding to such popular catch phrases as "don't stall" and "please don't stall" amongst "bold move" and other popul


would I reach more characters in this show if I jump onto the homeless bandwagon? Will this be more fun than the current level of the TV show with lasers they hit cock and self. It's a Thursday evening and that's sacred for the night I'd hookup w/SVA hipster girls and alike @ Boogaloo. It's a friend pallet but now I'm just promoting Brock as DJ to get my club, it's reflective action trying to get something physical from the memories of my humanity when I reach that place again. Barack is supposedly running for president but I can't believe shit in this show they could have stolen that from my dreams. These people have magnets on my penis, let me share quite openly it hurts. My sanity if it existed is something of a version between madness and bitter quips. I look at everything and wonder WHY am I to ever again pretend this isn't a TV show? Why do freelance or anything the real wold requires? I could always street it. It's ubsurd. I want to return to

if I was watching this in a basement of 215 I'd be fascinated where this is going

okay that title is ultimately a lack of effort. But it's representational of my new stance generally on everything. It's a reflection and I'd be most interested as an art school kid specifically living ithin my sacred building to see what I do when I stop playing the patsy pansy to a world I no longer have interest in sucking the dick of. What the fuck kind of crack did I smoke (and not get laid through) to live through this shit on auto-pilot? How dear they, anyone, create this cunt of a show without buying me a mario gun first. And that's a reference back to Decadent Diploma in a Hartford Empty room, that's a reference back to my own work available through under k.maz. I'm being fucked up night and day by shit fucking lights and machines in the sequel to mannahatta. Fucking literally. Live and broadcasted through and around my mind. Fuck that shit and the voices of nothingness they attempt to consume; imagine The Neverending Story 2 meets the Wizard

crystals are for meditation

There's a sideplot in this show, it's essentially called everything else that's going on. Pretty much, we have thevisualaxis or we don't. I have Skittles in Pfizer or I don't. I have Domino or I don't. When it comes down to it, that's really how things are going to be as far as matters go. Otherwise we're going to live through all of this daily. Which I'm learning to, creating a form of diamondship for myself. On the actuality of the television show there seems to be a function of attempting to break me down. Or rather, an attempt to fail my efforts to perfect myself. In the exterior, as a starfucker and as a person molded by the circumstances I exist in. So, I ultimately have to take consideration of this and deal with things really holding onto self pride. Because people are asking me the stupidest fucking questions, saying the most absurd things at all times and hitting me with lasers always. This is everywhere, and they're also hitting me wit

seedingly levels

You're watching this. How do I explain this. There's certain levels that I can go through in this. It's actually working out as I thought it would, where unlike the previous attempts at pressing forward mentality and spirit with exactism it sort of happens within. There's essentially no way to explain it, thus there's no way to stop it. It's more or less instinct, it's very strange and at times becomes a bit too dark. I'm sortof finding the exact mixture for my day. The exactness of the flavor. B/c this is going to go on forever, or so I have to assume. While at the same time, it's incredibly key to consider the fact that it IS a T.V. show and DOES one day have to end. Thus, I have to press so it exists in the long run like for the rest of my life. I have to build my life around this factor, setting up my film corp and everything in nyc In Williamsburg. Building seeds. Trying to get things down. Do I have to explain this every moment? Yes. It's w

Enjoyably Darkened

It's more or less apparent the interest in the T.V. show is what's in my mind. Still, the exterior creation is fantastic. So now we're having these daily episodes of being on the show and doing simple tasks like fucking reading and watching how the character affects me. It's fantastic, I'm having more fun than ever. We still have to get the corporation together though so I have to summon everyone tonight. Not quite sure about the matter of how the factories go exterior from the Truman Art School bubble. Since you're watching this, let's more so comment now on the situation of being in the show over the situation of what's happening: It's getting better and better. I stop pretending that I'm not in a show so they stop pretending that it's not, more and more it becomes obvious. What's the fun in producing a show with someone like me if I'm not willing to play with the audience. We're having alot of fun. I'm decently insane and i


things are coming along with the meditations. What a tucked situation, living on a show where lights are set up to toy with you. This is the situation, figuring out how to express while preparing for the antagonist character attacking. Crystal meditation next. All the elements that were manipulated away from me in the beginning of the show. It comes down to immunity in spiritual function. You're going to see me fuck up and succeed. It's a tucked up insane show involving so many layers of reality that I seemingly have to touch them all before it ends. Most certainly my favorite season. This shits turning into running levels on a treadmill but you can see this as well.

Bhobs offering

So you're all watching this, and for some reason it's always like a way of my stating a reflection on the matter. Like overlooking the situation, I think about the fact that it's happening in real time. So, do I just go with it and comment instead of speeching like I did in 725 or do I give a little reflection over the events that are transpiring, a poetic entering of the wind blowing beautifully on the black sheets that look like the sheets that were very boyish in my original apartment. So bhob's offering me an safehaven from the producers to learn of the script of my life. Essentially he's acknowledging that I'm on the show and it's one of those direct gameshow ending things ~ except he's actually acknowledging that i'm on the show. So... is this the end of the show? Still, much like the previous inhabitance Caitlin coke heart crush, I am hesitant to believe that the show ends so easily. I am hesitant to believe it ends in general. And yet, it see

Sour Skittles

As you've just recently witnessed, I've changed the picture on my iphone from that of the black bug from the previous inhabitant of this body's placement in his caitlin love to my current take on the matter of forwarding the situation. Thus, it's a certain reflection in period, an incredibly big moment for the world and the television show. It's a moment of self love and self reflection. As opposed to the previous inhabitant. I believe something went wrong in his taking of allowing others to control the show. In a previous era of the show when I'd inhabited this body, I'd found the same situation with worrying how I'll be effected via speaking aloud, sharing my opinions, it's the most absurd thing. Especially for a writer, especially for a writer from Fairfield. I cannot doubt this. This is a strange situation when a remote falls. Yes, you are watching the television program on T.V. that's fantastic and i'm really proud of you. That's so

There is no sun

I am in the strangest position a man could possibly be in. The girl across from me sends awful flashes of holographic waves at me. I'm assuming they're to hurt me, whenever she looks up at me, there's something disturbing going on. Something awful, something that flashes some sort of awful hologram at me. It's surely not helpful. I recall the people from my high school having a higher sense of beauty. I went to school with very attractive people. Being around pleasurable things and beautiful women is fantastic. Essential. There is something ill about being around someone who is waiting for you to have a nervous breakdown and attempting to contribute to the matter through whatever it is that these people to do try and freak me out and break me down. Much thanks to the flashbacks of Sarah Camp and people from high school, as weird as this shit sounds it's somehow working out for me. I have no idea how this works and am hesitant to explain it, how it goes in my mind, b

Infinite Loop

I haven't carried a blog for a long time. Since fucking 9th Ave. It's a form of flashback and flashforward. I never should have stopped the blog. Everything grows to a higher level of difficulty. Everything should be done with precision. It's all becoming a matter of psyche exactness. It's a night at Hart st (williamsburg) and I'm wondering how this shit is broadcasted. And how incredibly large this show is. Who watches Skylar as he sleeps. And who knows Skylar shouldn't be sleeping. Not that I have the ability to know this, just that it's obviously happening. There's some form of sleep forcing in this show and I wonder what the fuck the holographic thing is. Strange items that hit me. They used to say hell on my rooftop in Manhattan. I need to formulate my script for williamsburg quadrophenia. It's so obvious that it's a show to the extent that people now immediately show me a cop newspaper article after I rant about I'd rather join the nypd

Domino Nihilist

so in todays episode you saw me read the entirety of a book on Nihilism outside the Domino refinery. This is the place we'll live when all of this is over. We're on TV so I'm more or less counting on the mayor to open it up as an artist refuge. (one part of the Williamsburg trine). This is a perfect level for a videogame level in the show. And in this show there's fucking levels like reading one book in an entirety of a night as I'm distracted by t.v. Show producers who shine info red lights and weird ass shit like that in my eyes. It's a fucked up show. But I'm reaching the level of abilities I was at prior to the show. When I was a person. Now people read my thoughts. So fucking weird. Fucks up everything. I don't fucking understand the technology of this show, you do you live on the outside. I finished the French Illumanati guide book of sorts thing I found off Esoteric Archieves. I need to take my notes throw it into 'the bible' I'm buil

Mental games in the show

I've learned the way to fix the mentality of the show. This is essentially what happened last time, but there's pretty much no return from this point. Firstly, there is no such thing as giving up. Only death is failure, aside from that every moment of every person I know will be used for the creation of my club on Flushing Avenue (Skittles) out of the old Pfizer factory, Williamsburg will be turned into an arts district which will give low cost housing to artists. Thus, there will be several artists in the area free from the worry of spending money and high costs rent able to walk over to the club. In addition, the Domino refinery will be the first of these low costs housing, there will be studios on the left and on the right. Thus, there will be artwork from artists I know to showcase during the day. I will have an H.D. station on the upper portion of Skittles, this will replace the fact that M.T.V. no longer exists and restore music videos to its place in the world. This is b

Che Williamsburg

I want to be very particular about what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. Hi there, you're watching my T.V. show and i'm growing. I've realized the reason I do everything is because I AM better than other people. That's the drive, that I want to spit on you when I've succeeded. I want to laugh at you. I want to spit directly in your eye at my success. That's the reason I do this, for the selfish reason of succeeding. That's the reason I live, everything and everybody is a course of the wall, another brick, another element. It's merely a matter of success. Selfishness. The need to succeed. The good/bad things. Everything. The reason I wake up in the morning, the need to succeed, it's all self motivated. It's because I'm better than you and I'm going to back it up, I'm going to succeed and spit on everyone who's failed. Because that's the only reason to live. It's cute that they have people argue on my t.v. show. I lov

Union Square episode

So, we're in Union Square this episode (or portion of the episode b/c how the fuck do they rate these things)? It's a moment to take to file, a duck and cover never allows furthering. I take this into consideration when looking back at the prior models of self allowed to inhabit this body. As I rise as actual, these molds of pretend come into the reflection of really taking the pattern of pretend failure out; there's a great deal of clapping and file amongst us, it's Saturday night and it's time for the show. I allowed a great deal of time to pass in the quiet humble of nothing. Promotion without accomplishment. It's an entirely different situation in this series of the show. Appearing sludgent, quiet, following these pretend hurts never comes into play in the modern incarnation of the television show. I spent such a deal of time in the past following the appearance reaction; you'll make them happy if you sleep in the night, quietly allowing the exterior app

Attic Establishments

Furthering the development of ones self involves following the rules of 'The Game'. Today, we've implemented the development of bodily existence. The body receieved from the prior host is incredibly weak, displeasurable to myself. Therefore, following the rules of the game with great disciplin is essential to furthering my process. Masturbation will only take place on Thursdays, this is because Boogaloo was on Thursdays, from which the sexual evolution was based upon (proof of prior inhabitant in connection to art school girl) alongside the D.J. Brock Daves who inspired the fact that a fan following can provide you both with revenue and a scene, plus excellent music via The Pixies, which when played leaves the girl in the corner, well, in the corner. Nevertheless, today on the show we're going to further the Williamsburg, Quadrophenia project. Early in the day, so I suppose you'll see a bit more of these entries later in the day. I am becoming rather adjusted or per