
the letter N

very much like the letter N the puppet that speaks on this show holds the same semiretarded voice. Everything is ohh and a psychological manipulation on my emotional state. Part of this diary for me is a record of my own status in the levels of the show. Emotions are enforced with noises, discouragement is judged: it's fascinating to learn what succeed and what doesn't. A study in how we got to this point and the unsucessful portions of series 1. Oddly I wish my cum stood in my dick until it was ready. I ponder, do you know all of this shit ahead of time or am I exposing it to you. Like a sequel to Manna-hatta like Neo-Williamsburg; (or the hole beneath the bridge, ego plays). Essentially these are the moments that make me appreciate this show. If I was to invent a show, this would be it. Fucked up and twisted fucking Williamsburg running man. Atleast this season. Fascinating, on the creation of season Tragic Kingdom: Oi to the World they placed the difficulty level of Silver T


things are coming along with the meditations. What a tucked situation, living on a show where lights are set up to toy with you. This is the situation, figuring out how to express while preparing for the antagonist character attacking. Crystal meditation next. All the elements that were manipulated away from me in the beginning of the show. It comes down to immunity in spiritual function. You're going to see me fuck up and succeed. It's a tucked up insane show involving so many layers of reality that I seemingly have to touch them all before it ends. Most certainly my favorite season. This shits turning into running levels on a treadmill but you can see this as well.

psyche head kicks on the gameshow

so we're at the level on the show where I went with Ruebin's advice over going to see Bhob in everyones most despised town beyond the demon knght barrior. So I'm going to go with Ruebin's advice in this situation since he saved my life the last time I was inhabiting this body dealing with thesis and the reality of the SVA tv show. Although at that point I'd only considered SVA watching (and Pratt) kindof a NYC thing but my target audience was art school girls. So he played what we later came to refer to as the 'talent procurer'. One needs a lifeline on the outside in levels like this. So I'm running with Ruebin's advice cause he played art star saviour last time. And it makes sense if Bhob is going to contact me on the plotline of the show someone from SVA is bound to as well. What a fucking insane show. I kindof figure if Bhob contacted me perhaps the mayor will show up w/Skittles keys. Somebody just did the random bang. I'm starting to see the

Bhobs offering

So you're all watching this, and for some reason it's always like a way of my stating a reflection on the matter. Like overlooking the situation, I think about the fact that it's happening in real time. So, do I just go with it and comment instead of speeching like I did in 725 or do I give a little reflection over the events that are transpiring, a poetic entering of the wind blowing beautifully on the black sheets that look like the sheets that were very boyish in my original apartment. So bhob's offering me an safehaven from the producers to learn of the script of my life. Essentially he's acknowledging that I'm on the show and it's one of those direct gameshow ending things ~ except he's actually acknowledging that i'm on the show. So... is this the end of the show? Still, much like the previous inhabitance Caitlin coke heart crush, I am hesitant to believe that the show ends so easily. I am hesitant to believe it ends in general. And yet, it see

Sour Skittles

As you've just recently witnessed, I've changed the picture on my iphone from that of the black bug from the previous inhabitant of this body's placement in his caitlin love to my current take on the matter of forwarding the situation. Thus, it's a certain reflection in period, an incredibly big moment for the world and the television show. It's a moment of self love and self reflection. As opposed to the previous inhabitant. I believe something went wrong in his taking of allowing others to control the show. In a previous era of the show when I'd inhabited this body, I'd found the same situation with worrying how I'll be effected via speaking aloud, sharing my opinions, it's the most absurd thing. Especially for a writer, especially for a writer from Fairfield. I cannot doubt this. This is a strange situation when a remote falls. Yes, you are watching the television program on T.V. that's fantastic and i'm really proud of you. That's so

There is no sun

I am in the strangest position a man could possibly be in. The girl across from me sends awful flashes of holographic waves at me. I'm assuming they're to hurt me, whenever she looks up at me, there's something disturbing going on. Something awful, something that flashes some sort of awful hologram at me. It's surely not helpful. I recall the people from my high school having a higher sense of beauty. I went to school with very attractive people. Being around pleasurable things and beautiful women is fantastic. Essential. There is something ill about being around someone who is waiting for you to have a nervous breakdown and attempting to contribute to the matter through whatever it is that these people to do try and freak me out and break me down. Much thanks to the flashbacks of Sarah Camp and people from high school, as weird as this shit sounds it's somehow working out for me. I have no idea how this works and am hesitant to explain it, how it goes in my mind, b

Strange reflection

I don't understand many of the phrases they keep throwing at me. It's strange I awaken into this body as Skylar as I am and I don't understand many of the phrase they keep throwing at me. I have memories of another person but I don't understand why they keep yelling through these catch phrase all these words, bitter and confusing. I don't get it I find it fascinating but I'm unsure sometimes why they speak this way. It should be a year ago however I do have map to follow and a different haircut, dryface and a strange bug bite or face punch. It feels as though the world awaits a breakdown as I'm some reincarnated antihero come to save Williamsburg while getting paid for saving North Korea through my green Gavitotas platform from soph midsummer class. <3 Skylar