seedingly levels

You're watching this. How do I explain this. There's certain levels that I can go through in this.
It's actually working out as I thought it would, where unlike the previous attempts at pressing forward mentality and spirit with exactism it sort of happens within. There's essentially no way to explain it, thus there's no way to stop it. It's more or less instinct, it's very strange and at times becomes a bit too dark.
I'm sortof finding the exact mixture for my day. The exactness of the flavor.
B/c this is going to go on forever, or so I have to assume. While at the same time, it's incredibly key to consider the fact that it IS a T.V. show and DOES one day have to end. Thus, I have to press so it exists in the long run like for the rest of my life. I have to build my life around this factor, setting up my film corp and everything in nyc
In Williamsburg.
Building seeds. Trying to get things down. Do I have to explain this every moment? Yes. It's working out better than the prior attempts to explain this.
The difficult level is on hard now. You have to expect this from me.


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