Enjoyably Darkened

It's more or less apparent the interest in the T.V. show is what's in my mind.
Still, the exterior creation is fantastic.
So now we're having these daily episodes of being on the show and doing simple tasks like fucking reading and watching how the character affects me.
It's fantastic, I'm having more fun than ever. We still have to get the corporation together though so I have to summon everyone tonight.
Not quite sure about the matter of how the factories go exterior from the Truman Art School bubble.
Since you're watching this, let's more so comment now on the situation of being in the show over the situation of what's happening:
It's getting better and better. I stop pretending that I'm not in a show so they stop pretending that it's not, more and more it becomes obvious. What's the fun in producing a show with someone like me if I'm not willing to play with the audience. We're having alot of fun.
I'm decently insane and it's fantastic.
This sort of Halerina continues to toy with me and I'm starting to take into consideration what it actually does. More and more I'm taking into consideration what it's like for people on the show to be on the show. Today I did the check thing with the eyes, every so often I like to see what they're doing.
More and more it's important to share what I think. Just in the emotions of how the show is on the inside, and perhaps wasting time this season on 14 hour speeches might not be as much fun as the amount of randoms outside.
Still, the club is mine and I do wonder at times if/when fucking amazings like David Bowie will show up. Also, why bother to attempt to hide any portion of the show from me? It's worldwide and I'm handling it fine, so just openly let me deal with it and I say ya'll can call a time out if you want.
I'm starting to take into consideration where we're going. Or how reading over the diaries may help me understand what pattern I'm in.
Ultimately, it's most important to just push the fact that the show is reality.
I'm seeing the technology from the past.
At times anger is a gift.
I do see the effect but still find it relatively helpful.
...when do I get the keys to my club?



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