Bhobs offering

So you're all watching this, and for some reason it's always like a way of my stating a reflection on the matter.
Like overlooking the situation, I think about the fact that it's happening in real time. So, do I just go with it and comment instead of speeching like I did in 725 or do I give a little reflection over the events that are transpiring, a poetic entering of the wind blowing beautifully on the black sheets that look like the sheets that were very boyish in my original apartment.
So bhob's offering me an safehaven from the producers to learn of the script of my life. Essentially he's acknowledging that I'm on the show and it's one of those direct gameshow ending things ~ except he's actually acknowledging that i'm on the show.
So... is this the end of the show? Still, much like the previous inhabitance Caitlin coke heart crush, I am hesitant to believe that the show ends so easily. I am hesitant to believe it ends in general. And yet, it seems whenever I begin to pretend there isn't a T.V. show happening things go wrong. They become incredibly fucking insane when I acknowledge it is a show which seems like I'm about to cum and then I just get blue balls. So I'm once again wondering, am I at peace with the city of Bridgeport or will it be as I imagine it within my writings of tastey moursels, will there be maddened hospital workers with knives ready to eat a Fairfield child borne New Yorker. Bhob is a safe haven or will this rather be a trap? It's so obvious that it's a T.V. show but when it gets to this level it feels like we're getting to a place where I either survive and get the princess in the castle or the keys to the chocolate music factory or I'm murdered.
I love the mass pressure of this show.
Not that I understand it's exterior (or rather how popular it is)


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